The changing landscape of ICT in schools

ICT will already be regarded as a central pillar to most school environments, digital technology however, is moving fast and is becoming ever more sophisticated and complex. Growing complexity compounded by an increased demand in service levels results in a growing burden on the traditional in house school ICT department to deliver against expectations.
Ever present budgetary pressures make it difficult for the modern school to invest in ICT whilst ensuring that that is affordable, sustainable and supports the schools teaching and learning strategy. Schools need to have one eye on today whilst also looking to the future when considering its technology requirements.
Educa works as a trusted ICT partner; providing educational establishments with a comprehensive range of strategic ICT solutions and break-fix support packages, with the aim to ultimately save time and money.

Our vision
Our vision is to develop into the trusted ICT partner of every educational organisation across the UK. We aim to be the ‘go to’ ICT service provider for all forms of educational establishment, from Higher Education to Primary school. With the ever growing pressure on education budgets and the need for ever more sophisticated use of ICT in the teaching and learning process, education providers need the help of a service provider that has the experience and knowledge to provide and support robust and appropriate ICT services and products.
Multi Academy Trusts can benefit particularly from having a single provider managing the ICT infrastructure for all the schools in the Trust. By sharing resources, each school in the Trust – particularly the Primaries – will benefit from reduced costs and an enhanced level of service.

Our delivery blueprint
Educa solutions offer unparalleled levels of system integration and a high level of service delivery is guaranteed due to our unique and personal approach to the ownership of vital elements in the technology supply chain.
Investing time to understand your school, we design an integrated and secure solution which resolves technology challenges and meets your educational needs. Throughout implementation, we plan, coordinate and deploy the entire solution, minimising the risk of disruption whilst working to ensure the seamless delivery of each component.
Empowered by our approach, your school enjoys a superior technology experience, with the added peace of mind that whatever IT related assistance you might need, Educa is there to help.
Our Clients
Schools who have successfully partnered with Educa